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Inside Afternic Boost: A Guide to Its Game-Changing Features


The launch of Afternic Boost helps to give domain name sellers added visibility and consistency across GoDaddy’s registrar pathway and our Sale Landers.

Developed after testing with GoDaddy, Boost aims to help Afternic sellers:

  • Gain more exposure through suggested search results at GoDaddy
  • Enhance visibility with Boost badges on exact-match searches
  • Support conversions through Buy it Now and Custom Landers with Boost badges
  • Connect with potential buyers via email marketing campaigns to GoDaddy customers

Boost, which you can read more about in our announcement blog, combines tried and tested marketing tactics that can contribute to a 10% increase in sales performance for your portfolio*. Let’s explore Boost in more detail.


The Foundations of Boost

Afternic is consistently working to accelerate premium domain sales for our sellers. We’ve created new ways to sell your domain names, such as Lease to Own, and our latest service, Boost, focuses on optimizing exposure and visibility.

GoDaddy’s search path is highly trafficked, thanks to the company’s extensive investment in brand recognition and marketing. With so many competing listing types — hand registrations, premium registry domains, sponsored registry names, and aftermarket listings — Boost helps Afternic sellers gain exposure and visibility across GoDaddy.


What Do You Get as a Boost Member?

Boost features are designed to help lift your portfolio’s sales performance, captured below as a comparison between Boost and non-Boost domain names.

Comparing Afternic Boost member features, versus non-Boost.

Let’s explore what those features mean for you below.


Suggested Search Results

Often, potential buyers at GoDaddy scroll the search page, looking for alternative domains related to their original search. Boost delivers visibility for Afternic-listed domain names in this search space through promoted listings, similar to online retail platforms.

For sellers with one, or one million domain names, exposure to search results related to your domain name plays an important role in increasing your conversion rates.


Boost Badges: Exact-match searches and landers

Another crucial part of Boost is the badges that will appear on GoDaddy searches for eligible domain names:

  • Premium: For all domain names
  • Verified: For Boosted domain names that are opted in to Fast Transfer

Suggested search results will highlight Boosted domain names with a “Premium” badge, while exact-match searches will give extra visibility to Boosted domain names through the “Verified” badge for Fast Transfer domain names.

A representation of GoDaddy’s exact-match search area, with Boost badges.

These badges help to provide visibility and social proof for Boosted domain names at GoDaddy.

A representation of Afternic’s Custom Lander with Boost badges.Boost badges extend to our landers, too. Both the Custom Lander and the Buy it Now lander will show Boost badges for eligible domain names.


Email Marketing

Email marketing can create more sales opportunities. GoDaddy will run periodic campaigns for Boost domain names to connect potential buyers with your domain name.


How Do I Get Boost?

Starting September 4, 2024, all Afternic sellers will start receiving the benefits of Boost. If it’s not for you, opting out through your Afternic account settings area is simple. To read more about what Boost provides, along with commission adjustments for Boost, head to our launch blog, or our FAQs. We’re excited by the prospect of helping to create more sales opportunities for domain sellers.

*Individual results may vary. Based on internal data of GoDaddy aftermarket sales from January 2024 through June 2024.

James Iles is the domain investment community manager for GoDaddy. Prior to this, James was a prolific writer in the domain name industry through outlets such as and Outside domaining, James’ free time is taken up by his baby daughter.

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